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API Access

It is possible to access some services via an API so you can have your computer minions do the dirty work for you. Please see each service's respective documentation for details about API availability.


All our services use OAuth for authentication and UMA2 for authorization.

The OAuth discovery document can be found here. This will give you all the required endpoints to perform OAuth against an account.

Client registration

To create and manage your OAuth clients please use the console here.


Most actions are protected by requesting scopes at the point of authorization. The user will be asked to consent to your application having access to the scopes you've requested. When registering your client you'll need email us to tell us what scopes you want access to and to provide a reason for each scope.

Service account

Each client will get its own service account, using the client credentials grant type, for managing resources directly related to the client in question. Not much useful can be done with the service account though and most actions will require being authorized to access a user's account.

Refresh tokens

The tokens issued to clients are very short lived (on the order of minutes), which means your application will have to support refresh tokens to properly interact with our APIs.

Personal Access Tokens

If you only want to access your own account and don't want to use OAuth you can use use a personal access token to authenticate as your user and your user only. You can mint PATs in the OAuth console.

When making requests with PATs you should pass them as follows;

GET /api/resource/1 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: X-AS207960-PAT <your token>

Making API requests

API authorization

When attempting to access one of our APIs authorization can be provided by the HTTP authorization header, as demonstrated below;

GET /api/resource/1 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your token>

Content type

In general our APIs can accept data as a JSON body or as a form submission, and can return data as JSON or as HTML to be rendered to a user.

Be sure to declare the appropriate Content-Type when talking to our APIs to ensure your request in understood correctly, as shown below;

POST /api/resource/1 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <your token>
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept: application/json

  "some": "data"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "some": "data"


Errors are mostly communicated through HTTP status codes. Here's a quick summary of the ones you'll likely see.

  • 200 OK - All is well.
  • 201 Created - All is well, and something was created.
  • 204 No content - All is well, and we have nothing else to say.
  • 400 Bad request - Ew! Invalid data is not tasty!
  • 402 Payment Required - We failed to charge your account, we need more money!
  • 403 Forbidden - You're not allowed to do that, naughty!
  • 404 Not Found - Zere is nothing ere.
  • 409 Confilct - Something already exists here, go someplace else!
  • 429 Too Many Requests - Slow down! We can't take it!
  • 500 Internal Server Error - We fucked up.

Last update: October 20, 2020