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Dynamic DNS

HexDNS supports dynamic DNS compatible with the dyndns2 protocol.

To create a dynamic record navigate to the zone page and create a new record under 'Dynamic address records'. Once the zone is created click the edit button on it to view it's ID and password.

For the purposes of dyndns2 the record ID (a UUID) is your username and the password is well the password.

If you're not using a dyndns2 compatible client you can make a GET/POST request to https://{id}:{password}{fqdn}[&myip={v4/v6 addr}] to update the record (you'll need to make two requests to update the IPv4 and IPv6 address, the 1st with the v4 address and the 2nd with the v6 address)

Check IP service

Making a GET request to will return the IP that the request came from as the sole contents of the body.

ddclient example config

When using the ever popular ddclient a configuration similar to the following should work, where values in angle brackets (<>) denote where you have to update.

login=<your id>
password=<your password>